
Catherine Mutti-Driscoll

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August Newsletter: ADHD Strengths, Friendships, Interests & More!

The Monthly Dispatch Top posts from this month I am sending out the August newsletter at the very final hour in true ADHD style :-) It was a busy month, personally and professionally! I signed copies of The ADHD Workbook for Teen Girls at the APA annual conference and at my hometown Barnes & Noble in Madison, Wisconsin (see photo from B&N below). I also organized and implemented a successful neurodivergent family trip to Hawaii (no small feat as it was 1.5 years in the making :-))! All the...

Catherine Mutti-Driscoll's July 2024 Update What you may have missed on the blog this month This month, I have been working on enjoying my summer even though I often feel a bit wobbly without my regular structured routine :-) I've been completing this AuDHD-friendly summer checklist to boost my coping skills (feel free to join me if you'd like!): Recent Blog Articles Summer Challenge #1 In this post, I take on the challenge of doing something...

The Catherine Mutti-Driscoll Dispatch What you may have missed on the blog this month What an incredible month of launching The ADHD Workbook For Teen Girls Workbook! Thank you so much to all of you who pre-ordered, reviewed, and supported the book :-) June Blog Posts The Best AuDHD Summer Ever! Strategies to enjoy summer 2024, even with AuDHD :-) Read article Take Your Brain On An Artist Date! Looking for a convenient way to practice self-care this summer? Try the Artist Date! Read article...

The Catherine Mutti-Driscoll Dispatch What you may have missed on the blog this month I have a lot going on at the moment as Taylor Swift would say! Blog posts, podcasts, & pub day on 6/1 oh my! Recent articles ADHD & Boundaries Use this tool to practice the skills required for setting better boundaries! Read article ADHD & The Inner Critic Here are 7 strategies to help you manage and tame the inner critic Read article Resource Corner I had the pleasure of speaking on the ADHD & Autism...

113 Cherry St #92768, Seattle, WA 98104-2205Unsubscribe · Preferences Pre-order deals are still available for a few more days! Love Audiobooks? Pre-order The ADHD Workbook for Teen Girls and get two free audiobooks from Use the promo code MHM24 for Mental Health Awareness Month to get 30% your order from New Harbinger Press until May 31! Thank you for your continued support! Catherine

Updates From My Neurodivergent Brain What you may have missed on the blog this month This month, I reflected on ADHD creativity strengths and the power of connection for ADHDers in my blog posts. Recent articles ADHD Creativity Strengths ADHD is often known for its challenges, but there are also incredible creative strengths! Read article The Power of Connection For ADHD When folks with ADHD find the right people, social connections can have amazing benefits! Read article Resource Corner In a...

The Catherine Mutti-Driscoll Dispatch What you may have missed on the blog this month This month, I tackled issues of ADHD organizational challenges and seasonal changes in my blog! Recent articles Navigating Spring Opportunities and challenges of the Spring seasonal change for ADHD! Read article ADHD Organizational Challenges Anyone else experience brain-shame for ADHD related organizational challenges? Check out this blog post! Read article Resource Corner Approximately 3 months until...

Welcome to the rapidly retreating month of February! This month was a busy one with editing the ADHD Teen Girls Workbook for the last time, an author photo shoot, and finalizing a new book proposal (more info hopefully coming soon if all goes well with that!) Here's what you may have missed on the blog this month: ADHD Girl Type 3 Rory Gilmore Read article Coping with Social Shame Read article ADHD Teen Girls Workbook Available for pre-order! Pre-order here Thank you for staying up to date...

The Catherine Mutti-Driscoll Dispatch What you may have missed on the blog this month It's a new year! Time to set some ADHD-friendly goals (or not, as works for you!) I've also started a 3-part series on what ADHD looks like in girls, highlighting beloved fictional characters :-) Check back in February for more! Recent articles Setting ADHD-Friendly Goals in 2024 Read on to learn how to set ADHD-friendly goals! Read article ADHD Girl Type 1 Anne of Green Gables is an example of ADHD Girl...

The Catherine Mutti-Driscoll Dispatch What you may have missed on the blog this month This month's newsletter is about making the best of the holidays and coping with any social challenges that might come up. Recent articles Overcoming Social Brain Shame at the Holidays Read article Finding ADHD Joy At The Holidays Read article Resource Corner The ADHD Workbook for Teen Girls is available for pre-order! Pre-order here! Happy New Year, Catherine 113 Cherry St #92768, Seattle, WA...